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‘0 to 100 in a matter of moments’

Bone-tomahawk was such a thrilling film even though I already knew the twist it didn’t stop me enjoying this absolute gem of a western/horror.

This was a film that many people stated I see and I always just put it off due to its 2 hour 10 min run time… I wholeheartedly regret it.

The film is based in a western town, where the sheriff is gunslinging prevayler of the peace, when three people go missing from his office. He must go search with the trusted help of an old timer, wanna-be gunslinger and husband with a broken leg. When on the tracks creepy sounds become closer and to find out they are being stalked by……. (not going to give it away)

The cinematography was so beautiful of the wild west and cliffside tops it generally looked and felt authentic with some of the most beautiful pans across the wide open space.

The cast consists of Kurt Russell, Patrik Wilson, David Arquette, Richard Jenkins, Lili Simmons and my all time favourite clown Sid Haig. I was speechless by this stellar cast especially seeing some of these big names in such an Indie style Western/Horror. 

Please watch this film as long as you're not squeamish!

8/10 🍿


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