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"Death on a infinitive loop...."

Infinity Pool - 2023 - Brandon Cronenberg

"WTAF did I just watch" was my first rection to this whirlwind of a film, Until I sat there thinking about the message behind it, so lets start light then delve in.

The Film stars two of my favourite actors: Alex Skarsgard (True Blood, The Northman) and Mia Goth (Pearl, X). These are 2 of the most famous actors in the film and definitely the most interesting.

The Film focuses on James Foster a failed author who has taken a trip with his wife to try and get more inspiration in the fictional country of Li Tolqa. The Views are stunning and gives Maldivian vibes however with closer inspection we start to realise the tourists are not allowed to leave the Villa due to crime and death rates. When he stumbles in to Gabi Bauer (Mia) who starts to fan girl over him.

They begin to become friendly and leave the villa for a beach picnic.......(Why!). This is the Point where you know things are going to start getting weird!

When driving back to the Villa rather tired and headlamps of the car starting to fail....đŸ˜¶ he hits and kills a farmer. They rush back to the hotel where they are awaken by the police and dragged into a holding cell. He is given the choice, either die by the hands of the farmers son... or let them create a double which has all of his feelings and memory and sit in the audience and watch him be killed by the farmers son.

The film continues to explore the notion of depravity and wealth. James begins to fall into a rather psychedelic trip into madness and depravity lead by the infamous Mia Goth.

The film is rather engaging in a sick and twister way, you can't take your eyes of the film, even with the rather grotesque imagery and scenes.

Being directed by David Cronenberg's son Brandon you can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with overly gory scenes and trippy scenes like "Crash - 1996" and "The Fly - 1986"

However when the film ended, I did feel that the ending was slightly lacklustre. I understood that everyone got on a plane and carried on with their own normality however it just felt like a sudden stop to a rather fast paced film.

7/10 🍿


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