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“Just utterly speechless”

This franchise has been one of the best action films in the last 20 years, if not the best action films ever. This one is definitely no exception.

We went and saw this in IMAX which I highly recommend doing.

The film has some of the most advanced and longest fight/action scenes I have seen in cinema history.

Keanu Reeves has been awesome throughout the whole franchise, but you really felt that this franchise was coming to an end as you can see him becoming ever more so tired each chapter. Seeing him do his own stunts and learning different fight styles really shows he loves his craft and just add to you loving him even more.

Everyone cast wise from Donnie Yen to Bill Skarsgard is so interesting that they could easily have their own series or movie.

The lighting in this film was breath-taking and very atmospheric that played really well with the soundtrack and action sequences of Keanu just tearing through numerous armed enemies in his way.

After the upsetting news of Lance Reddick it was a real gut punch seeing him in this film, My only upset about this whole film was that there wasn’t enough of his character but that was my only nag of the entire film.

When the lights came up I was truly just in ore of just how a 9 year franchise has just topped its self each time which lead to this unreal action packed thrill ride.

Stay for the after credits!

10/10 🍿


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