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"The Book that Bites Back"

I am a huge fan of the Evil Dead franchise, from OG to recent, and had no doubts that I would be impressed by this latest tale.

The opening to the film has one of the greatest openings to any horror, going straight into its gory depths with a scalping by the ponytail to ripping a man's head straight from his shoulders, With what you think is the main protagonist floating across a lake with the title rising around her. Noice!

The film follows a family living in a high rise flat, soon to be condemned. When an earthquake happens and cracks a hole into a secret bunker in the basement which contains one of the best looking Necronomicon in the whole franchise and 3 Vinyl's…

Once played the demons are released and all hell breaks loose.

The entire cast were brilliant, with Alyssa Sutherland killing it as the first one to be infected. Her voice and mannerisms change and she embodies this empty vessel with something that is not of this reality in it.

The gore seemed rather tame compared to the 2013 version but I liked that because it allowed for the story and characters to flow and become quite memorable. The cheese element within this film also felt similar to ED2 which was a nice touch with one of the greatest lines “Mommy’s with the Maggots now dear” that still sends chills at how good that line is.

I am intrigued by the ending as it has definitely opened the universe and allowed for a sequel.



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