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‘ The heartbreaking story of Rockets origins’

After the last few marvel films being subpar at best, I was slightly worried about this latest instalment of Guardians. However as soon as the light dropped and the film began I remembered how much I love this band of misfits and felt like a good old school marvel film. 

This is definitely one of the darkest in the franchise if not the whole MCU. Seeing Rockets story and creation was so hard to watch as they really didnt shy away from the animal torture which shocked me in a 12A. Also learning why Rocket collects body parts is single handedly the most tear jerking element. 

Chukwudi Iwuju who plays the High Evolutionary is THE greatest marvel villain across the MCU. He truly was a Villain that was scary and really showed a mad genius at work, with his vile torture that can be observed throughout.  

My only grievance with the whole film was how lacklustre Will Poulters ‘Adam Warlock was. A mommy’s boy that was so underutilised it almost felt comedic which really took away from how overpowered that character truly is. 

Hearing Florence and the Machines as the final song as well was such a heartfelt moment that brought me to tears as its the end of the misfits.

Make sure to stay for the after credits….Obviously.

8/10 🍿


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