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“Two sides to every story”

All Quiet on the Western Front - Edward Berger - 2022

Based on the book by the similar title we follow Paul Bäumer a young german who goes through terrifying experiences and distresses on the western front during World War 1.

As I hadn’t read the book or any predeceasing knowledge of the story, except from the war aspect, I jumped into this one head first.

The film was a really nice change having the story focus on the other. With most films focusing on the Germans as evil during war epics it was a nice change of pace and more harrowing seeing it from their misdirected view.

The real emphasis of this film focuses on the PTSD of a young soldier watching everything he cared about dying around him, and how they were so mistreated and malnourished and pushed beyond the brink. One scene that stuck out was one of the opening scenes where he is handed a jacket that still has another name tag on it. The sergeant rips the label, handing it back to him and says it was too small for the other guy, being so innocent he doesn’t realise it's just packed up and sewed up from a dead soldier. This really made me feel sick to this happening repeatedly with such youngsters none the wiser.

The soundtrack was harrowing and put you on the edge of your seat, worrying what will happen next! The soundtrack was so loud that it even put my 8 month old Kitten on edge.

The cinematography was also so beautiful and sickening at the same time, from the lighting to the red blood mist spray in the air from the gatling gun. It definitely deserves the best foreign film award.

The final shots really brought a tear to my eye but I won't spoil it for you.

Please make sure you watch this Netflix Spectacle!

9/10 🍿


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